Unlocking the Magic: A Guide to Book Nook Resources

One of my first ever viral videos was this video on “What is a book nook?” While I had been familiar with book nooks for a few years, many people had never heard of them! They aren’t exactly the most well known medium. Due to that, it can be harder to find resources and people to connect with. As someone who quickly became obsessed with book nooks, I’m hear to share some of my favorite resources for finding inspiration, sharing ideas and connecting with others.


Reddit it one of the first places that I was able to connect with other people about book nooks. The subreddit for book nooks is a phenomenal resource for inspiration, getting help and just geeking out over nooks! At the time of writing this article, there are nearly 60k members! Make sure to check out the tags and various rules. You can find a LOT of tips, especially for making your first nook. If you have an idea, chances are that someone has made a nook similar. Use the search feature to find prior nooks.


I didn’t find this Facebook group for a little while but I am so glad that I did! I find it to be a bit more interactive than the subreddit. There are also some absolutely INCREDIBLE artists in this group. Similar to the subreddit, use the search feature to find prior pieces. I have a long list of ideas due to some of the pieces I have seen in this group. I’ve also found that many people are more than happy to give you tips. If you are struggling with an aspect of a nook, someone there will definitely be able to help you!


I think Pinterest is a very underrated resource for book nooks. I source and organize a lot of inspiration from Pinterest. Not only that, but it will also make suggestions to you that can help keep the creative juices flowing! I am inspired by other creations, not just nooks!

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